2024 Year in Review
Collectively, Respect Together and our main divisions, the National Sexual Violence Resource Center and the Pennsylvania Coalition to Advance Respect, have accomplished so much this past year. Our community, supporters, and partners play an integral role in each of our successes. This Year in Review reflects on some key highlights and outcomes of this past year’s work together.
Advancing Our Library Catalog
This year, Respect Together exceeded its 2024-2025 project year goal by bringing over 60,000 unique titles to our library collection! Much of our collection can be accessed online, but our library staff have also facilitated access to key journal articles to RPE Recipients and Rape Prevention and Education (RPE) recipients hundreds of times over the past five years.
Strengthening Bonds Between Local, State, and National Partners
Respect Together was proud to host the first in-person National Sexual Assault Conference® (NSAC) since the onset of COVID-19. We were proud to work with presenters across the country to create a meaningful conference experience for the 1,342 attendees. Similarly, we opened our doors to our first open house in years, welcoming local and state partners to learn about our work and the ways we can move forward together.
Building Connected Communities in SAAM 2024
For our 23rd annual Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) campaign, we selected the theme, “Building Connected Communities.” Between our “30 Days of SAAM Instagram Challenge,” the 2024 Visionary Voice Awards, and the many reading materials we created, we continued to be a leader that showed how everyone from all walks of life can take part in sexual violence prevention and education.

Passing Crucial State Policy
PCAR helped pass SB 920, now Act 122 of 2024, to establish a rape kit tracking system in Pennsylvania.
Finding Success in Our Adams County Project
We are proud to work with the Adams County Empowerment Center to expand their reach and services capacity. Their new location in Gettysburg, PA, helped to provide 82 clients with 722 hours of free services.
Committing to Providing Services in Every Language
We believe that every survivor should have equitable access to the services they need, regardless of the language they use to communicate. We received 3,310 requests and provided a total of 834 hours of interpretation for survivors.
Increasing our Anti-Human Trafficking Efforts
PCAR’s Anti-Human Trafficking Services Coordinator delivered 15 trainings in 2024. These trainings were delivered to SANEs and SAFEs, health professionals, mental health professionals, victim advocates, government agency staff, health department staff, and hotline staff.
Providing Expertise on Medical Forensic Exams
PCAR’s Resource & Advocacy Director/Medical Advocacy Coordinator was a subject matter expert in developing the Office of Victims of Crime (OVC) funded International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN) Telehealth for Sexual Assault Forensic Examinations (TeleSAFE) Toolkit. The Toolkit is a guide to improve and standardize care for survivors receiving the medical forensic exam via telehealth.
Offering Trauma-Informed Legal Services
On December 10, 2024, PCAR’s Sexual Violence Legal Assistance Project provided trauma-informed legal service to its 1000th client. Since its beginning, the project has reached survivors in 65 counties in Pennsylvania who otherwise would not have had access to free legal help.

Welcoming New COO Jennifer Grove
After serving 26 years as an advocate and working as NSVRC’s Prevention Director, NSVRC was thrilled to announce that Jennifer Grove was taking on the position as our new COO. This position was previously held by Yolanda Edrington, who was announced as Respect Together’s CEO in 2023.
Using New Grant Funds to Further Our Work
In 2024, we received the wonderful news that we were awarded both a 5-year grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and a 3-year Male Survivors grant from the Office of Violence Against Women (OVW). These funds empower and enable NSVRC to curate original materials and expand our reach in our ongoing discussion about sexual abuse, assault, and harassment.
Representing Our Team Nationally and Internationally
At the White House’s 30th Anniversary Celebration of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), we stood alongside our fellow advocates and national partners to reflect on where we’ve gone and where we still need to go. Internationally, NSVRC & PCAR staff represented Respect Together at the ARMY Sexual Assault Response and Prevention training summit for Europe and Africa.
Touching Base with Our Requesters
From partners in our field to journalists, survivors, and allies, we receive a wide array of requests for information and support. Throughout 2024, NSVRC provided customized technical assistance to 1,079 requestors.
Continuing Our Mission Through National Dialogue
NSVRC brought together representatives from state, territory, and tribal SA and Dual Coalitions, departments of health, and national partners for a national dialogue on effective messaging to inform future prevention work around the country. We curated a collection of training and resource materials to support this ongoing work and are providing customized follow-up training around the country.

Awarding $300,000 to Six Innovative Programs
With the NFL’s support, RALIANCE was created in 2016 to unify the national sexual violence field to better support victims and survivors. Six recipients received $50,000 in grants to support survivors and prevent sexual harassment, misconduct, and abuse in their communities. The NFL and RALIANCE have awarded nearly $4 million in grants to prevention programs and projects that support survivors.
Partnering on an Important National #MeToo Study
Tulane University’s Newcomb Institute released “#MeToo 2024: A National Study of Sexual Harassment and Assault in the United States,” an important piece of research that RALIANCE is proud to support in conjunction with Stop Street Harassment and ValorUS. The study serves as a follow-up to the 2018 #MeToo study, allowing the field to track change across key metrics over the past six years.
Attending the NFL’s Unsung Heroes Event
RALIANCE staff attended the NFL’s “Unsung Heroes” event during Super Bowl week after providing our recommendations for violence prevention advocates and service providers to be recognized at the event. This event showed how corporate partners can be a part of the solution to prevent sexual abuse, assault, and harassment.
Conducting Trainings Across Industries
RALIANCE is proud of its growing reach and influence across industries to amend workplace sexual harassment and assault policy. In 2024, they conducted trainings for three companies in the rideshare and hospitality industries.
Looking Forward
Join us for these exciting upcoming opportunities:
Respect Together is celebrating 50 years! We hope to see you at our anniversary event on April 30th! Register here.
Our 2025 SAAM theme is, “Together We Act: United We Change.” Click here to find out how you can get involved!